Strange Time is the large-scale international online exhibition created by Ukrainian artist Stepan Ryabchenko within the framework of the Art Laboratory Creative Association in collaboration with the National Center “Ukrainian House”.
Strange Time is a new format, a new look at current events in the world. Contemporary artists of different generations, working in different genres, explore the “Strange Time” and offer their own assessment and perception of what is happening in the world.
The Strange Time project was created on the principle of a constantly developing living organism, and so of the virus itself, but as an artistic antidote, replenished by artists from around the world and expanding its borders.
The project presents the works of artists from all over the world – this includes the pop-surreal works of Kenny Scharf – an American artist and friend of Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring. A conceptual photo of the American artist Alex Yudzon, and Swedish artist Anders Krisár. Expressive painting with elements of computer graphics and the installation of Vasiliy Ryabchenko and praising the stereotypes from the post-media paintings by Oleg Tistol. Wax post-apocalyptic structures by Gene Kiegel and wooden paintings by Lucien Dulfan. Ironic works of American Samuel Jablon, and Briton Richie Culver, kinetic sculptures of Nik Ramage and spatial deconstruction of Felix Schramm. Abstract works by the Spaniard Guillermo Mora and surreal ceramic of the American artist Roxanne Jackson, and many others including computer viruses by Stepan Ryabchenko, and his new work “Hunter”, due to which the idea to create and “launch” Strange Time was born.

“The objective of our project is to show what creative energy is aimed at today and how the artist see this time. Because in times of uncertainty, art is one of the first places that helps us to find the way in the darkness and to open a new world and a new system of relations.”
says the artist and curator of the project Stepan Ryabchenko
The Strange Time project was created on the principle of a constantly developing living organism, replenished by artists from around the world and expanding its borders.

The online exhibition is dedicated to global changes which impact not only the life of each of us, but also the systems and structures of entire states.
“At the same time, a pandemic is not so much a cause as a catalyst for the systemic problems of society and the current world order.”
said the curator

“Strange Time is my debut curatorial project, which I am launching within the framework of the Art Laboratory creative association, created in the 90s by my father, Vasiliy Ryabchenko, to develop and support contemporary Ukrainian art. One of the key tasks of the association is to create a global platform for large-scale art projects and bring together artists and representatives of creative professions from different countries and different continents. We proved again that art has no boundaries and cannot be sent to quarantining.”
adds Stepan Ryabchenko

Е-mail: contact@artlaboratory.com.ua
Website: www.strangetime.art
Social media: Facebook, Instagram
Strange Time
Strange Time is an international art project created by Ukrainian artist Stepan Ryabchenko within the framework of the Art Laboratory Creative Association in collaboration with the Ukrainian House National Center. Currently, 42 artists from around the world participate in the project – from Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, the Czech Republic, France, Belgium, Germany, Britain, Brazil, Japan, the USA, Chile, South Africa.
The project has an “Exhibition” section in which the works and quotes of artists move across the screen like cells under a microscope. The project also has a “Participants” section, which contains a structured archive of all authors, their works, and their thoughts.
The section of “3 Question – 3 Answers” contains unique interviews with artists who have answered questions, all of these texts are placed on a common board. Thus, you can read different opinions, compare and have ideas about the world order through the prism of an artistic look.
Art Laboratory
Art Laboratory Creative Association is a public, nonprofit organization whose activity is aimed at the development of the contemporary art of Ukraine and its integration into the world’s art process. Art Laboratory, on a voluntary basis, unites artists and representatives of creative professions interested in the realization of their personal and group creative projects with the help of modern technologies.
Ukrainian house
The “Ukrainian House” National Center is an open, multidisciplinary space of opportunities and interactions aimed at popularizing national achievements, presenting leading cultural products and innovations, and establishing cooperation between leaders of various industries.
The creative site, the official trailer of the project and the musical accompaniment were developed by Sergey Ryabchenko.

Alejandro Leonhardt, Chile;
Alex Yudzon, USA;
Alexander Roitburd, Ukraine;
Aljosha, Ukraine;
Anders Krisár, Sweden;
Andriy Sagaidakovsky, Ukraine;
David Baskin, USA;
David Czupryn, Germany;
Erik Sommer, USA;
Felix Schramm, Germany;
Fernando Moletta, Brazil;
Gene Kiegel, USA;
Giulio Malinverni, Italy;
Guillermo Mora, Spain;
Hannah Hallermann, Germany;
Jakub Hubálek, Czech Republic;
Janessa Clark, USA;
Jesu Moratiel, Spain;
Jofroi Amaral, Belgium;
Kenny Scharf, USA;
lom-of-LaMa, Germany;
Lucien Dulfan, USA;
Marina Skugareva, Ukraine;
Mykola Matsenko, Ukraine;
Nik Ramage, Britain;
Noriko Okaku, Japan;
Oleg Tistol, Ukraine;
Omri Harmelin, South Africa;
Paolo Arraiano, Portugal;
Paul Cooley, USA;
Pavlo Kerestey, Ukraine;
Pedro Matos, Portugal;
Richie Culver, Britain;
Roxanne Jackson, USA;
Samuel Jablon, USA.
Sergei Sviatchenko, Denmark;
Stepan Ryabchenko, Ukraine;
Valentin Abad, France;
Vasiliy Ryabchenko, Ukraine;
Vasiliy Tsagolov, Ukraine;
Victor Sydorenko, Ukraine;
Victoria Keddie, USA;