Guillermo Mora
Born 1980 in Madrid, Spain
© Photo from the artist's archive

Guillermo Mora is a Spanish artist, who has cultivated his unique visual vocabulary, creating an abstract mode of communication. The artist works primarily in sculpture and painting. Mora’s stimulating compositions construct environments through which, the artist questions protocols and procedures of contemporary painting.

“I’m interested in extrapolating basic actions that come from mathematics and applying them to painting, philosophy and human behavior.”

"add, subtract, multiply and divide"

Guillermo Mora
Madrid, Spain. April 15, 2020

Strangers always – Part I (2019)

70 x 31 x 16 cm, transparent tape

Strangers always – Part II (2019)

70 x 31 x 16 cm, transparent tape

Strangers always – Part III (2019)

70 x 31 x 16 cm, transparent tape

Strangers always – Part IV (2019)

70 x 31 x 16 cm, transparent tape

“Some pieces conceived as bodies (or parts of it) that are made with tape. Like many of my works, they are autobiographical. In this case it’s about the symbolic and physical distance between two people. They are like strangers in the space.”


Guillermo Mora, artist

Half you, half me (Gerardo) (2018)

140 x 48 x 49 cm, layers of acrylic paint folded, wooden easel

Half you, half me (Gerardo) (2018)

140 x 48 x 49 cm, layers of acrylic paint folded, wooden easel

“Half you, half me (Gerardo) belongs to a series of pieces that I’ve been doing since 2013. Each piece corresponds to a close person that passed away. The series grows up as some people (family and friends) fade away.”


Guillermo Mora, artist

I want I don’t want (2017)

variable dimensions (mobile piece), paper, gesso, acrylic paint, silicone bands, strings and wood

“The work ‘I want I don’t want’ from 2017 is mobile, it’s sort of free drawing in the space. Somehow, throw its title, it reflects a contradiction between strength and weakness, certainty and doubt.”


Guillermo Mora, artist
