"The time has come to think about what we are doing and why, the time to look deep into ourselves and return the light to art and, consequently, to our life."

Stepan Ryabchenko
Odessa, Ukraine. April 29, 2020  

"...You sneaked back through the greasy grass as if it were butter, Following those no longer existing."

Sergei Sviatchenko
Viborg, Denmark. March 29, 2020

"...At this time, as always, it’s very important for me to deal with myself, my beloved and closest ones — for this I live and do my job. Now is the time for this.”

Vasiliy Ryabchenko
Odessa, Ukraine. April 25, 2020

“...Without the terrible events of the world art would be mere decoration, an afterthought to a perfect existence...”

Alex Yudzon
New York, USA. March 30, 2020

“...Limitations on movement, space, and interaction are being forced on us with no exceptions, resulting in many creative responses...”

Omri Harmelin
Tel-Aviv, Israel. April 23, 2020

“...I’m realizing one idea I have for years. I’m not happy with its volume, but I succeed, so it’s a great feeling. I think I would never have broken through if I hadn’t gotten these strange days for me."

Valentin Abad
Montreuil, France. April 21, 2020

"I’ve always hoped that being an artist would be an anonymous profession. It would probably be nice to live in the shadow of own works; but very rarely, was possible to organize a real QUARANTINE"

Oleg Tistol
Kyiv, Ukraine. April 18, 2020

"...By reflecting a lot on my work and exploiting this time in a productive way, I am creating paintings that want to allude to a "new Renaissance", because I believe that after all this situation there will be a great need."

Giulio Malinverni
Venezia, Italy. March 29, 2020­­­­­­­­­

"When you can’t go outside, go inside."

Anders Krisar
Stockholm, Sweden. April 9, 2020

"...This situation is a reflection of anthropocentrism, humankind is facing the effects of the Anthropocene, of the lack of concern with others and with this planet and, it’s a simple reaction to such continuous aggression..."

Paulo Arraiano
Lisbon, Portugal. April 9, 2020

"Art, in any shape of form, is the key to our continued survival."

Gene Kiegel
New York, USA. April 16, 2020

"...Be kind, and wash your hands."

Erik Sommer
New York City, April 27, 2020

"...Following this 'disaster,' we will not be the same. We are all being asked to take a step back, to slow down, to breathe..."

Roxanne Jackson
New York. April 14, 2020­­­­­­­­­

"We live in the Internet era, everything is connected as never before."

Jakub Hubalek
Prague, Czech Republic. April 25, 2020

"The time in which we live is characterized by the word "fucked up"..."

Alexander Roitburd
Odessa, Ukraine. April 11, 2020

Strange Time

Today is March 22, 2022, exactly 2 years have passed since the launch of the Strange Time project, which began as a response to the global Covid-19 pandemic and brought together 54 artists from around the world. But before the pandemic ended, the war began in Ukraine, which also engulfed the entire world consciousness and is actively evolving, and together with it the Strange Time entered a new phase.
I still believe that, contrary to the usual logic, art, with its intuitive, metaphorical and often paradoxical properties, shows us the most realistic picture of the world. And today the viewer has a unique opportunity to explore all the components of this picture in detail and form their impression of the world order through the prism of the artistic vision of talented artists from all over the world.


Let’s take a look back, to the 22 March 2020…

Art has never had barriers or been constrained by parameters of physical space. That is until now, where global events have forced new constraints.

Our communities and economies have been drastically altered both globally and locally due to the impact of Covid-19. Borders and countries are closing themselves in on the world. Ethics and human rights are being challenged in order to limit the spread of the virus. Our experience has shown us that sometimes in order to be ethical, unethical means are necessary. In this world in crisis, systemic issues hidden within our society, waiting for the right time to manifest themselves, have found their catalyst — Covid-19.

In response, a large-scale virtual international art exhibition has been created by the contemporary Ukrainian artist Stepan Ryabchenko within the framework of the creative association Art Laboratory in collaboration with the Ukrainian House National Center. The goal of the art exhibition is to host a platform where artists from multiple countries, generations, and viewpoints have a place to present their points of view of this Strange Time.

As the world freezes in uncertainty, we are desperately looking for ways of salvation and answers to the endless stream of questions flooding us. Some could consider this a time of fear and loss, but is it not also a time to modify our expectations, give us new challenges and provide us opportunities to make the world better?

This is what we at Strange Time strive to provide. A place to show what creative energy is aimed at today and how the artist sees this time. Because in times of uncertainty, art has been one of the first places that tries to shine a light into the darkness to help us find the way to reveal a new world and a new system of relations. The project was created on the principle of a constantly developing living organism, and so of the virus itself, but as an artistic antidote.

Art matters! Strange Time gives art space, where it can let its voice be heard and where it can count!



